There are few feelings worse than that moment of complete panic when you realize you’ve misplaced your wallet. Your cash, ID and credit cards left out there for everyone to pick up and use is indeed a scary thought. A tracking device that works as easily with your iPhone as an Apple AirTag but fits in your wallet just like a credit card would be the best solution, and, in fact, it is — check out the KeySmart SmartCard, on sale now at StackSocial for $30, or $80 for a 3-pack.
The KeySmart SmartCard solves the Apple AirTag’s biggest flaw by fitting into your wallet as easily as your credit and debit cards, and that’s because it’s the same size as two cards – just 2mm thick. And it works with Apple’s Find My app so seamlessly that it might as well be part of the Apple family, although it would probably cost a lot more.
Ready and refillable
There are other flat, rectangular tracking devices, but unlike the KeySmart SmartCard, they’re generally too thick to fit in a wallet card slot, and many of them are one-off devices that you throw away when the battery runs out. is exhausted. . The KeySmart SmartCard is rechargeable – wirelessly rechargeable, in fact. It supports Qi charging and a single charge lasts up to 5 months.
It’s not just for wallets, either. It’s a perfect size to slip into a backpack, fanny pack or crossbody, purse, carry-on – basically anything you want to keep track of. The KeySmart SmartCard even has a built-in slot so it can be attached to a lanyard, because often the second worst feeling after misplacing your wallet is misplacing your work ID badge or passcode.
Alternative to apple
If you own an iPhone, your tracking app options are pretty few: use the native Find My app with Apple’s AirTag, or get a third-party tracker and download their app, which may or may not work as well. although Find My. You can now get a non-AirTag tracker And use the FindMy app with the KeySmart SmartCard and never know the difference. The KeySmart SmartCard works exactly the same way: use Find My to play a sound on the KeySmart SmartCard to locate it nearby, or if the item you have your card in is further away, the KeySmart SmartCard works on the vast Apple Find My. network that uses millions of Apple devices to find your card.
Banish that Where’s My Wallet panic attack once and for all by using one of your card slots for the reloadable, KeySmart SmartCard compatible with Apple, on sale now for $30 at StackSocial. Or buy a 3-pack for just $80 – a savings of 33% — and keep a digital eye on many of your assets.